The Archives Committee works to maintain and update Emmanuel's historic information. During the years many have donated older bulletins, pictures and yearbooks. Please feel free to contact our committee members if you would like to research our files, and/or you have something to donate.
Columbarium and Memorial Gardens
Groundbreaking for our new Columbarium began on August 6th 2017. Today it is a very calm and relaxing place for our members to visit their loved ones. We still have room for Memorial Plaques and still have niches available.
God's Family Table
Everyone is welcome. Through eating together, sharing our experiences by which we encounter God, praying, scriptures, laughing and singing, we hope to enrich and enhance our relationship with God and each other. Please join us every Wednesday night from 5:30 PM to 7 PM in the Fellowship Hall. Bring a covered dish to share.
Golden Agers
The Golden Agers ministry is a senior oriented ministry for our senior citizens. It is open to the community and all are welcome. We offer a monthly luncheon complete with programs of interest to all, some informative and some entertaining. All you need to do is bring a dish to share, eat, relax and enjoy. Very good friendships are established and encouraged. We meet on the third Monday of every month at noon in the Faith Building. Our goal is also to provide day bus trips twice a year. We've visited some very interesting places around the area and had a lot of fun times. So far, the community has enjoyed this feature of Golden Agers and appreciate the opportunity to get away for a day, especially when we strive to keep the costs down. With the rising costs of everything, Emmanuel reaches out to help our seniors have a couple of days a year they can look forward to getting out without the burden of transportation. We alway stop for a good meal during the day and socialize with other people.
Men's Ministry Our Men's ministry helps with many events during the year. Last year we held the Chili Cook Off; and prepared the Sunrise Service breakfast. We helped with the Apple Festival, God's Family Table and the Congregational Picnic.
Music Ministry
Ryan Luhrs is our Director of Music Ministry and we are very blessed to have him here at Emmanuel Lutheran. Choir Practice Wednesday's at 7 PM in the Choir Room Lutheringers Practice 9:30 AM in the Sanctuary
Prayer Ministry
These people are committed to pray for others. Upon notification of a need or occasion for prayer, ministry members engage in intercessory prayer for healing, comfort and thanksgiving for blessings in our lives. In praying for others we bring God's power to bear upon the lives and situations of others as well as our own. If you have a prayer request please call the church office at 704-735-9033.
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayers of a righteous man is powerful and effective" - James 5:16
Women of the ELCA
Emmanuel Lutheran has 2 circles. Circle 2 meets the first Monday night of the month, the other (the lunch bunch) meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month in the Faith Building.